Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2020
Article Page : 84-86
This is a case series of 4 patients who developed leukopenia on, controlled-release carbamazepine (CBZCR) monotherapy for focal seizure prophylaxis. All 4 cases (2 males and 2 females), presented to the neurology department with history of episodes of sudden onset, abnormal body movements. Patients were diagnosed as cases of focal seizures and were prescribed tablet CBZ-CR 300 mg twice a day for seizure prophylaxis. One month later patients presented for follow-up and were continuing with the treatment. Blood biochemistry parameters indicated leukopenia with total leukocyte count less than 4000 per mm3. According to World Health Organization Uppsala monitoring Centre (WHO-UMC) causality assessment, all 4 cases were classified as ‘probable/likely’ for carbamazepine-induced leukopenia. Carbamazepine was continued and total leukocyte count gradually recovered on 3-months follow-up.
Conclusion: Total leukocyte count should be documented before initiating carbamazepine therapy. Patients with pre-existing leukopenia should not receive carbamazepine. All patients receiving carbamazepine should be monitored for leukocyte count in addition to other blood biochemistry parameters.
Keywords: Carbamazepine,Drug induced leukopenia, Focal-seizure, Total leukocyte count.
How to cite : Patiyal N , Bhardwaj A , Kansal D , Sood A , Bodh S , Carbamazepine induced leukopenia: A case series. J Pharm Biol Sci 2020;8(2):84-86
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Received : 27-11-2020
Accepted : 22-12-2020
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